Forever Started in 2013

BC & meFor all its joy, bewilderment, love, anger, grief, laughter, wailing, mourning, exhaustion, jubilation, wonder, doubt, fear, questions, rage, surrender, and hope, 2013 was the year in which a little family was born. Forever took on a new and surprising shape as BC and I began to become son and mom.

How I pray 2014 will be a year of peace, as forever settles in our hearts.

For this child I prayed… 1 Samuel 1:27

Happy New Year to you and yours. May your New Year be one of peace, in which forever is settled and true. Amen.


Filed under Being Sam

4 responses to “Forever Started in 2013

  1. Derica

    Forever amen. Praying – Tenderness, peace, endurance and a growing knitting together. You and BC are deeply loved.

  2. May the love and calmness I see in your eyes and Eric’s continue to grow! Love you both.

  3. LV- I don’t even know you but am grateful that God brought me to your blog! From one “Sam” to another, “Be Blessed!”

  4. Take delight n the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
    Leanne, BC was worth waiting for. Prayers and love for both of you.